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Project List - Activity : Support for Studying in Japan

We provide various support activities to make studying in Japan most effective and economical, such as providing information to students who are planning to study in Japanese universities and graduate schools, supporting advancement to higher education, living support, academic monitoring and counseling, internship programs, and continuous support for alumni activities after graduation.

■Operational Support Services for the Human Resources Development for Governmental Officers and Researchers in Mineral Resources Rich Countries (KIZUNA)(2022/2 - 2025/10)

"KIZUNA" is JICA's long-term training program launched in 2014 to develop human resources in the mining sector in developing countries, and aims to support sust……

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■Oman Scholarship Programme by a Private Company(2014/1 - 2025)

Asia SEED is cooperating with this project to ensure the smooth implementation of the project by a company which provides support for government-sponsored stude……

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■Oman-Sumitomo Scholarship Program(2018/10 - 2025)

It is identified that one of the urgent issues is human resource development in Oman. Sumitomo Corporation Middle East FZE established Oman-Sumitomo Scholarship……

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■Operational Support for the Core Human Resources Development Program for Road Asset Management(2019/7 - 2027/7)

In this program, Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) selects personnel from each country where JICA implements a technical cooperation project to stre……

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■Pacific Leaders’ Educational Assistance for Development of State (Pacific-LEADS)(2016/7 - 2022/5)

Pacific-LEADS aims to foster young leaders who play vital roles towards the resolution of development challenges in Pacific Islands Countries, as well as to fur……

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■Project for Future Researchers at IITH to Enhance Network Development with Scholarship of Japan (FRIENDSHIP)(2019/4 - 2022/3)

This project provides various supports for industry-academia collaboration and network building between the Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad (IITH) and ……

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■Short Term Training Program under the Professional Human Resource Development IV, Indonesia(2021/9 - 2021/11)

■Implementation Support for the Egypt-Japan Education Partnership: Human Resource Development Project (EJEP-HRDP) in the Arab Republic of Egypt(2017/2 - 2019/2)

Under the sustainable development strategy “Egypt Vision 2030”, education and trainings were identified as the most prioritized field in Egypt. In response to t……

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■Higher Education Loan Fund Project in Malaysia (HELP) 1-3(1992/ - 2015)

■Asian Youth Fellowship Program (AYF)(1995/ - 2012)