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■Data Collection Survey on Strengthening Apparatus Management and Development in Indonesia(2022/9 - 2023/8)

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■Operational Support Services for the Human Resources Development for Governmental Officers and Researchers in Mineral Resources Rich Countries (KIZUNA)(2022/2 - 2025/10)

"KIZUNA" is JICA's long-term training program launched in 2014 to develop human resources in the mining sector in developing countries, and aims to support sust……

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■Oman Scholarship Programme by a Private Company(2014/1 - 2025)

Asia SEED is cooperating with this project to ensure the smooth implementation of the project by a company which provides support for government-sponsored stude……

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■Oman-Sumitomo Scholarship Program(2018/10 - 2025)

It is identified that one of the urgent issues is human resource development in Oman. Sumitomo Corporation Middle East FZE established Oman-Sumitomo Scholarship……

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■Operational Support for the Core Human Resources Development Program for Road Asset Management(2019/7 - 2027/7)

In this program, Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) selects personnel from each country where JICA implements a technical cooperation project to stre……

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■Preparatory Survey on Vietnam-Japan University Campus Construction Project in The Socialist Republic of Vietnam(2021/4 - 2022/5)

It was indicated that the shortage of middle-level management staff and technical staff was occurred in Vietnam because only 30% of all the working population w……

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■Data Collection Survey on Higher Education and Vocational Education Sectors in Indonesia(2020/3 - 2021/9)

■2020 Thematic Evaluation: Analysis of Evaluation Methods for JICA Scholarship Programs(2020/9 - 2021/8)

Scholarship programs at the JICA have been expanding. However, ex-post evaluations for these programs have been conducted only to a limited extent. From the per……

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■Implementation Support for the Egypt-Japan Education Partnership: Human Resource Development Project (EJEP-HRDP) in the Arab Republic of Egypt(2017/2 - 2019/2)

Under the sustainable development strategy “Egypt Vision 2030”, education and trainings were identified as the most prioritized field in Egypt. In response to t……

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■Research on Potential Assessment of KOSEN Overseas Development(2016/12 - 2017/3)